

In fall of 1988 Shelley and I moved to Hingham, Massachusetts into a 100 year old school house which had been moved quite a distance before being renovated into a duplex. Right at the end of our short street was a very nice little General Store which seemed to have anything you could possibly need. This was very convenient. All-in-all it was a very lovely home for us in a lovely town...and it was near the ocean!
A friend I worked with in Boston, who also lived on the South Shore, when I told him we had moved to Hingham said, "Well you two will have to drive down Jerusalem Road and see how absolutely beautiful it is!" He then proceeded to give me directions.
That weekend Shelley and I followed his directions to one of the most amazing roads we have ever been on. Jerusalem Road hugs the coastline from Nantasket Beach south about 7 miles to Cohasset. The views of the ocean are amazing, and the homes are gorgeous! Just before reaching the town of Cohasset we noticed the "Cohasset Harbor Inn" which sat right on the town harbor. We love Cohasset which is stunningly beautiful! We then continued driving a couple of miles until we passed the South Shore Music Circus...where entertainers perform outdoors "in the round" under a tent. We later learned that these performers stay at the Cohasset Harbor Inn during the period they are appearing at the Music Circus. We continued to drive a few miles further and ran up on a Super Stop & Shop and went in to pick up a few groceries.
When we left the store we re-traced our exact route back...by Music Circus, through town of Cohasset, past Cohasset Harbor Inn, and back along the whole route of Jerusalem Road to Nantasket Beach, and then home to Hingham. While we were driving home we made the decision that we would start buying our weekly groceries at that Super Stop & Shop on the other side of Cohasset, and drive Jerusalem Road both down and back! Then we talked about how we could make a video of our "grocery shopping" trip to send back to family in South Carolina.
Jerusalem Road runs from Nantasket Beach along the coast down to Cohasset.
Performers appearing at the Music Circus stay at the Cohasset Harbor Inn.

"The Oaks" circa 1928.
This is where the family who owned the Cohasset Harbor Inn lived just a short walk away from the Inn. On different occasions Frank Sinatra and Bob Hope were guests at "The Oaks" during the time they were performing at the South Shore Music Circus.

Just a few miles from Cohasset you come to the South Shore Music Circus.
These pictures show Willie Nelson performing there.

So, on this particular Friday when I arrived home from work, Shelley and I decided to go ahead and buy groceries for the coming week. We pulled out of the drive and headed towards Jerusalem Road a few miles away. We had a lovely drive along the coast, winding down towards Cohasset.
As we passed Cohasset Harbor Inn we saw a large touring bus which had four painted horsemen riding across the back, with "The Four Highwaymen" emblazoned over them. Shelley immediately recognized the name and said, "That's Willie Nelsons Touring Bus!" We then remembered that he was performing at the Music Circus that evening, and realized he would soon be leaving. I noticed there were about a dozen people waiting around the bus, probably waiting to see Willie as he left. So I turned into the parking lot and backed into a space. Shelley asked, "What are you doing?" And I said, "We're going to see Willie when he leaves for his concert."
After about ten minutes all of a sudden a man walked out to the bus and climbed into the drivers seat. Cranking it up he then proceeded to slowly pull the bus around the end of the building to the back side of the Inn. It seemed that obviously he was going to pick up Willie in back...so everybody followed the bus around.
I would call it "intuition" but it came to me to stay right where we were! Shelley asked, "Aren't we going around back?" And I said, "We're going to stay right here!" If she had asked me why? I wouldn't have been able to answer her.
A couple minutes later a lone car pulled into the driveway near the front door. I noticed that the driver was watching the door. About that time Willie Nelson came walking out by himself. I immediately opened my car door and got out. Willie saw me getting out of the car and started smiling...probably because I hadn't been fooled by the diversionary tactic. I walked over quickly and he made a few steps towards me. We reached out at the same time and started shaking hands. I told him that something told me not to follow that bus...and he laughed!
I told him, "No pictures and no autographs. I know you are in a hurry! I just wanted quickly to tell you how much my wife and I have enjoyed you and your music all these many years." He thanked me and asked "What is your wife's name?" I told him Shelley, and he looked over at the car and waved saying "Hello Shelley!" She was thrilled...and waved and spoke back. Willie and I spoke for a couple of minutes. Then I told him what a great pleasure it was to meet him and to have a great concert. He thanked me as we shook hands again. Waving bye to Shelley he walked over to the waiting car, got in and proceeded to South Shore Music Circus to perform his outdoor concert. By contrast...Shelley and I proceeded to Super Stop & Shop to buy our week's groceries.
It was a very special evening for Shelley and I
thanks to our friend Willie!

Published by
William F. Carawan
"Poetry Guy"
All rights reserved
Boston, Massachusetts U.S.A.
I interviewed and hired a blue cow (see picture below) with a one of a kind attitude! Her name is Sally, although she says "sassy" is what most people call her...and I can understand why.
She recently arrived in the USA from a very tiny country called Kows'r'blu. In fact it is so tiny...that no one seems to know where it is located. Sally says its' one claim to fame is a small population (or herd) of blue cows which are not found anywhere else in the world. She says that makes her very rare and special! And I might add...seems to be the main cause of her attitude.
Sally has agreed to manage the "Comment Section" of my blog. She will get paid by commission based strictly on the tally of comments for that months' blog post. She seems to think that her attitude will be a big help in reaching that goal. And I can only imagine that it certainly will.

This is your opportunity!
So, why don't you leave a comment?
I would love to know what you think.
Don't be shy...moooove me!
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Shelley (Thursday, 31 August 2017 14:11)
What does one really say about an icon named Willie? He doesn't even have to have his last name spoken for there is only one Willie. And to think we actually met this force of nature always gives us a tingle...but, he made us feel it was special to him to meet us also. That is a rare gift and he held it not back. We appreciated that about him... After our brief, but earth-shaking, meeting Willie headed on off to perform his usual great musical talent in a show that rocked the South Shore. So we rocked the grocery store still floating from having just met the great country super-star...I have a funny feeling that Willie was probably doing his own form of floating also, part of why he is so loved for he is the real-deal who doesn't hide away from being who he is. There is a lesson in there we could all live by and thanks to Willie I take that to heart...Thanks 'Mr. Willie' and rock on....